Hydro Excavation FAQ

Has the bond mat been tested?
Yes – The Bond Mat has been tested at Certified High Voltage Test Labs as well as numerous field tests by Utilities and Hydro Excavation Companies. Request Test Data
Has the Bond Mat seen real life events?
Yes – The Bond Mat has been in place on several occasions when a line strike event has occurred. Request Field Experience Information
Is the Bond Mat Certified?
Yes – The Bond Mat is certified to ASTM F2715. The Bond Mat falls into the same personal protective equipment category as high voltage ground cables (ASTM F855) and as such are certified to the American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM) criteria.
Do I use the Bond Mat Grid side up or down?
The Bond Mat is to be used with the grid side up – Facing the sky.
Can I cascade the Bond Mat?
Yes – The Bond Mat System has the capability to be cascaded. Request Cascade Instructions
Do I use a ground rod with the Bond Mat?
The Bond Mat has been tested with and without a ground rod. The use of a ground rod is very specific to the work environment and requirements of the regulatory requirements from your region.
When installing a ground rod or grounding point, do not put the bond mat in the trip circuit. The Bond Mat is not designed nor is it capable of being used as part of the trip circuit.
What are the Care Instructions for the Bond Mat?
All Bond Mats when shipped include care and maintenance instructions. Let us know if you need a new copy of the care and maintenance instructions.
What are the in-service Inspection requirements for the Bond Mat?
All Bond Mats when shipped include care and maintenance instructions; which include in-service inspection requirements. Let us know if you need a new copy of the care and maintenance instructions.
What sizes are available for the Bond Mat?
The Bond Mats sizes vary depending on your job activity needs. Request the Bond Mat Design Specification to determine the correct – Bond Mat physical size, Grid element size, grid element spacing.
Do you have suggested safe work practices for when using the Bond Mats while Hydro Excavating?
Yes – Request suggested Safe Work Practices
Do you have truck set up instructions?
Yes – Request suggested truck set up instructions
Do you offer Training?
Yes – Request information related to training options
Can I get replacement parts?
Yes –You can go to our Hydro Excavation Bond Mat Configuration Page for more information